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Bug#920284: debian-installer: Installing Debain 9.6 on amd64 KVM via netinst fails in "select and install software"


Thanks for the response!  I was able to consistently reproduce the problem I described as of January 23rd.  As of today, a clean installation of Debian 9.6 on my VM worked without difficulty. Looking at the error message, it would seem that the hash that apt was using for something in security-cdb.debian.org didn't match what I downloaded.

In fact, I just finished the install and got a similar message by running "sudo apt-get install lxde" on the terminal:

    Err:4 http://security-cdn.debian.org/debian-security stretch/updates/main amd64 libqt5gui5 amd64 5.7.1+fsg-3+deb9u1
      Hash Sum mismatch
      Hashes of expected file:
       - SHA256:aa740aa9fada96791cd254a26afbebca52267a14b072c33f93ada1e3791c8aec
       - SHA1:2b50202d9bb2ee257027035498b9f826fc2202fe [weak]
       - MD5Sum:7be38aee5f595e7ebd95b0f77bf60580 [weak]
       - Filesize:2449840 [weak]
      Hashes of received file:
       - SHA256:0611d7b8e5113bdc7257aa38f8500e2b78ff9fd91a6555114a482a101b7db835
       - SHA1:07861e147f8df4e45336d17381731d6d95e5801c [weak]
       - MD5Sum:f45d307aea95e1ccacb6e7c13a32b33e [weak]
       - Filesize:43776 [weak]
      Last modification reported: Thu, 06 Dec 2018 18:05:06 +0000

This occurred immediately upon running "sudo apt-get install lxde"; there was no visible timeout.  That said, while the expected file size seems sensible (https://packages.debian.org/stretch/libqt5gui5 seems to indicate that the file should be ~2392.4kb), the received filesize is ridiculously small.  It's possible, if no else else can reproduce this problem, that it may be the result of an errant proxy or similar interference on my network: something that's essentially truncating the file.  If that's true, though, shouldn't apt-get be producing a corresponding error message (e.g. "download failed due to interrupted connection") rather than assuming that the download is complete?  That is, if the HTTP request gets a response with the file size in the header, apt should be able to tell if it successfully downloaded the whole thing, right?

The problem itself seems to be less reproducible than it was several days ago: simply re-running the "apt-get" command on the installed system seems to have solved it for now (while, on January 23rd, I was unable to get past the "Select and Install Software" step in the installer).  This seems like more of a bug with how apt-get handles failure.  Is there a way to reassign this bug to that package?


Control: tag -1 - d-i

Hi Zachary,

And thanks for your report.

Zachary Palmer <zep_debian_packages@bahj.com> (2019-01-23):
I am installing Debian 9.6 using a netinst image on an amd64 virtual
machine (kvm).  Everything runs as expected until the "Select and
Install Software" step, which fails with the generic message
"Installation step failed".  Terminal
4 shows some interesting output:

     Failed to fetch http://security-cdn.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/o/openssl/libssl1.1_1.1.0j-1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
Writing more data than expected (1235886 > 1231594)

     Hashes of expected file:

      - SHA256:dddf4ff686845b82c6c778a70f1f607d0bb9f8aa43f2fb7983db4ff1a55f5fae

      - SHA1:5d754764288ae1751d7a05d11c801cde71456602 [weak]

      - MD5Sum:5e3b6c66100964833307d3a943918275  [weak]

     Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with

I don't think that this is the only file it failed to fetch, as I see
the tail of a similar message further up in the terminal.  (I wasn't
able to scroll to see it.)
Please hit “reply all”, attaching /var/log/installer/syslog (compressed,
to make sure it doesn't get rejected due to size on mailing lists), so
that we have a look at the whole log.


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