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Re: Debian Installer Buster Alpha 4 release

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 11:00:25AM +1100, Vincent McIntyre wrote:
>I was trying to download the netboot image for amd64,
>because the one I have (2018-12-06) has a segfault in libc6.
>The link on the installer team page
>   https://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/
>for the _netinst_ image points at
>and it seems to download fine.
>When I mount the iso image, README.txt says the version is
>Debian GNU/Linux buster-DI-alpha4 "Buster" - Official Snapshot amd64
>NETINST 20181206-23:37

By "the iso image", you mean... ?

>So the same date as the netinst image. uh-oh.
>The links for "other images" like netboot point at
>which was also last updated on 2018 Dec 6th,
>acoording to boot-screens/f1.txt
>Are we sure all the images are in sync?
>I have faith in Steve's team but thought I should ask all the same.
>Is there a way to check the _netboot_ image is from the same
>set of sources as the _netinst_ ?

The images team doesn't make the _netboot_ image - that comes straight
out of the d-i build.

So... the path to the current buster netboot image also points to the
same d-i build (20181206) that was used for the d-i alpha 4
netinst/CD/DVD build. From my local mirror:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 mirror users    8 Dec  6 19:08 current -> 20181206

But... The problem you're most likely seeing is caused by a simple
fact. The *netboot* image ends up downloading significant chunks of
the installer and the base system at runtime from the suite it
targets. For buster, that is still very much a moving target and it's
likely to already have incompatibilities with the released 20181206
netboot image.

Netboot images are *only* useful and safe when they exactly match the
state of the Debian release they're targeting. That's either a stable
release, or within a couple of days of the build happening if you're
looking at testing.

For any other purposes, IMHO you're massively better off using a
_netinst_ image instead. Or install stable and upgrade.

Hope that helps!

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
You raise the blade, you make the change... You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane...

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