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Bug#793941: bnx2 issue with onboard IPMI

Hello all,

We are still suffering from this issue, with jessie and stretch netinst kernels and bnx2 firmware.

No actual news from upstream so far (netdev thread here [1]).

So I try to use either the boot cmdline `interface=` parameter or the preseed based `netcfg/choose_interface` directive to force the system to use the secondary interface, without success.

Using the information of the reporter, I see that the ethdetect script will call check-missing-firmware on ALL detected interfaces (see lsifaces function from ethdetect), ignoring any interface setting from cmdline or preseed.

My current option is to disable the network configuration, then start a shell when d-i fails reaching any mirror, then manually configure the network, then proceed with the installation process.
But the installed system has no network configuration, and then is not reachable (and systemd does not start the ttyS1 console, but that's a different issue).

I guess making ethdetect complies with the interface parameter (if not set to auto) is the best solution atm.


1. http://lists.openwall.net/netdev/2015/09/09/4 )

Cyprien Nicolas
IT Infrastructure Manager / Responsable Infrastructure

21, quai Antoine Riboud − 69002 Lyon, France

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