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Bug#876773: flash-kernel: Please add support for the original SolidRun CuBox (Dove)

On 2017-09-25, Josua Mayer wrote:
> The SolidRun CuBox has very good support in Mainline Linux.
> Thus it is a great candidate for supporting it in Debian.
> I have come up with the database entry below, and this preliminary boot-script:
> setenv loadaddr   0x02000000
> setenv loadaddrrd 0x20000000
> setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200n8
> ${fstype}load ${device_name} 0:${partition} ${loadaddr} /boot/uImage
> ${fstype}load ${device_name} 0:${partition} ${loadaddrrd} /boot/uInitrd
> bootm $loadaddr $loadaddrrd

loaddr is already set in your environment, no need to set it again.

If you use:

  setenv bootargs @@LINUX_KERNEL_CMDLINE_DEFAULTS@@ ${bootargs} ${console} @@LINUX_KERNEL_CMDLINE@@

Then flash-kernel can be configured with options from

And have this before the load/bootm parts:


Then local environment overrides can be set from
/etc/flash-kerenel/ubootenv.d or /usr/share/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d.

> I am running U-Boot 2009.08-dirty (Mar 09 2013 - 18:15:45) Marvell version: 5.4.4 NQ SR1.
> It comes with a prepopulated bootcmd environment variable that tries out:
> - usb sata(ide) mmc
> - partitions 1,2
> - directores / and /boot
> to find a boot.scr.
> At the time of loading it, these variables are set accordingly:
> device_name, partition, directory, fstype
> which can be used in our boot.scr.

You also *might* want to emulate upstream u-boot conventions and use the
variables consistant with other boot scripts, and set up a thin
compatibility layer:

  setenv kernel_addr_r $loadaddr
  setenv ramdisk_addr_r 0x20000000
  setenv devtype $device_name
  setenv devnum 0
  setenv bootpart $partition
  setenv distro_bootpart $partition
  setenv prefix $directory

With that at the top of your file, you could probably copy the
uboot-generic script and make minor modifications to get it working
(change "load" to "${fstype}load" and "bootz" to "bootm", change "/boot"
to "${prefix}"), and it would be more similar to the standard boot
scripts, and it'd be easier to adapt if upstream u-boot support was
later added with distro_bootcmd support.

> One important thing that is missing, is bootargs!
> We need to set: console, root, rootfstype, rootwait

Your bootscript already sets the console in bootargs, so I'm not sure
what you mean...

> - rootfstype could be gathered from fstype

I would not assume that the / fs and /boot fs are the same. But, you
shouldn't need to set that if you're using an initrd that can detect the
filesystem on it's own (e.g. initramfs-tools).

> - any ideas how to generate the root= option?
>   Ideally we could use UUID= there!
>   Or does Bootloader-Sets-Incorrect-Root: yes help here?

Again, with initramfs-tools, flash-kernel adds a root= entry based on
fstab in the initrd, so that in that case, you don't need root= defined
in the u-boot environment.

live well,

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