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Bug#796603: Questions about console-setup.service (Re: Bug#796603: closed by Anton Zinoviev <zinoviev@debian.org> (Bug#796603: fixed in console-setup 1.138))

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 03:22:42PM -0300, Felipe Sateler wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 06, 2016 at 02:51:34PM -0300, Felipe Sateler wrote:
> >>
> >> I meant the logic to determine if setupcon or the cached scripts 
> >> should be run. If in the future that part is changed (eg, the names 
> >> are changed, or more scripts are generated), there is no guarantee 
> >> the change will reach users, since they may have modified the init 
> >> script.

Right now I am preparing some changes in console-setup and one of them 
is to implement your suggestion to move the logic out of the init 

> Would you be OK, until further development comes along, to use a
> wrapper unit like this:

And while I am reviewing your changes, I find (as expected) that there 
are things I don't understand.  So before I make changes and introduce 
bugs, I decided to ask.

> [Install]
> WantedBy=sysinit.target

What is the purpose of this instruction?  Wouldn't it be possible to 
remove it at least for console-setup.service?

Also, inside console-setup.service I find these:

> After=console-screen.service kbd.service local-fs.target

What about the following additional instruction: RequiresMountsFor=/usr

> Before=system-getty.slice

Nothing really serious is going to happen if this script is executed 
after getty.  Wouldn't it be better to remove this instruction?

Anton Zinoviev

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