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Bug#810102: installation-reports: Graphical Installer does not initialize initrd with LVM and MDADM

Hey KiBi,

On Thu, Jan 07, 2016 at 02:08:05AM +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
>Control: tag -1 -d-i +moreinfo
>el_es <el.es.cr@gmail.com> (2016-01-06):
>> So I ran in the live system terminal:
>> sudo apt-get install mdadm
>> sudo apt-get install lvm2
>> which restored my swraid matrix and lvm pv/lv's to view
>> (/proc/mdstat populated and /dev/mapper/myrootdevice showing)
>> after which I chroot'd to the to-be root device (bind-mounting /proc, /dev and /sys before that)
>> and ran update-initramfs -u and dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc (grub installed to mbr of each physical member of the md array)
>> Now after unmounting the bind mounts and the root device, the system was able to boot correctly up.
>> This I'm being told is NOT as it usually happens on the installer invoked from boot menu 
>> (either from live distribution or from netinstall)
>I don't have much insight as far as installing from a live system goes,
>but having to go through these extra steps seems strange to me. Is there
>any chance you could share the installer's syslog, which should be
>located under /var/log/installer in the installed system?

I spoke to el_es yesterday in #debian-boot and suggested he file a
bug. It sounds like this is specific to live-installer from what he's
said. I've honestly no idea how well it deals with things like pulling
in the extra udebs for md and lvm... :-/

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
"Yes, of course duct tape works in a near-vacuum. Duct tape works
 anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshiped."
   -― Andy Weir, "The Martian"

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