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Bug#806164: installation-reports: jessie install on dell xps 13 9350 (grub-installer issues)

I got my system working.  I repeated the chroot experiment from above, confirmed
that this time the initrd contained cryptsetup and the other necessary tools (it
did), and I was able to then run the grub installer.

Since in the past when I did this it didn't work, I was trying to think of
something different to try, so I tried making a symlink with a "more expected"

ln -s /dev/nvme0 /dev/sdb
grub-install /dev/sdb

I dunno if just running "grub-install" would have been enough, or if it worked
specifically because I faked it out with a symlink like this, but after that I
rebooted and grub seems to be installed correctly and is able to boot into
debian.  I'm happy my machine works now but I'm sorry I wasn't able to confirm
the fix for you - whatever has been donein grub-installer 1.128 has improved the
problem but not totally fixed it - hopefully these details will help you figure
out the remaining problems (possibly with the package that provides
grub-install, if it is differnet from grub-installer?  otherwise some other code
path in there...)


Carl Myers 
PGP Key ID 3537595B
PGP Key fingerprint 9365 0FAF 721B 992A 0A20  1E0D C795 2955 3537 595B

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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