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Bug#799119: Regression in NVMe support caused by 7046795cdd0e9ca11789ffe0f5cedaa42217f6e0

package: grub-installer
version: 1.122

I've been trying to debug some problems related to installation on an
NVMe drive and found that 7046795cdd0e9ca11789ffe0f5cedaa42217f6e0
introduced a regression that is causing grub-installer to fail.

This commit was supposed to introduce support for multi-digit X and Y
values of /dev/nvmeXnY but instead causes it to not match on systems
with drives that are not multi-digit.  The [0-9][0-9] syntax is looking
for drives that have multi digits explicitly.

On my system I see nodes for:

/dev/nvme0n1 which will not match in this syntax.

Dropping the second [0-9] from the introduced areas resolves the problem
for me.


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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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