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Bug#801961: debian stretch amd64 netinst: no xfsprogs. xfs on

On Thu, Nov 05, 2015 at 03:07:10PM +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
>Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> (2015-11-05):
>> So, talking to Colin at the miniconf, he's worried that this may break
>> lots of things. A better answer would be to make sure that all the fs
>> tools packages force an update of the initramfs after
>> installation. That's probably what we want *anyway* in the longer
>> term, to make sure that when updates happen to tools we get those
>> updates in the initramfs too. This means that we need to file bugs
>> agsinst all the existing fs tools packages that don't call
>> update-initramfs right now.
>> Unless any of you see a problem with that, I'll start filing bugs
>> shortly with patches.
>I only skimmed over the first mail, but got a bit wary about the
>proposed approach. Going a safe route instead looks good to me.

ACK. Checking in sid:

$ zgrep bin/fsck /scratch/mirror/debian/dists/unstable/Contents-amd64.gz 
bin/fsck.btrfs                                          admin/btrfs-tools
sbin/fsck                                               utils/util-linux
sbin/fsck.cramfs                                        utils/util-linux
sbin/fsck.exfat                                         otherosfs/exfat-utils
sbin/fsck.ext2                                          admin/e2fsprogs
sbin/fsck.ext3                                          admin/e2fsprogs
sbin/fsck.ext4                                          admin/e2fsprogs
sbin/fsck.ext4dev                                       admin/e2fsprogs
sbin/fsck.f2fs                                          admin/f2fs-tools
sbin/fsck.fat                                           otherosfs/dosfstools
sbin/fsck.gfs2                                          admin/gfs2-utils
sbin/fsck.hfs                                           otherosfs/hfsprogs
sbin/fsck.hfsplus                                       otherosfs/hfsprogs
sbin/fsck.jfs                                           admin/jfsutils
sbin/fsck.minix                                         utils/util-linux
sbin/fsck.msdos                                         otherosfs/dosfstools
sbin/fsck.nfs                                           admin/initscripts
sbin/fsck.ocfs2                                         admin/ocfs2-tools
sbin/fsck.reiser4                                       admin/reiser4progs
sbin/fsck.reiserfs                                      admin/reiserfsprogs
sbin/fsck.vfat                                          otherosfs/dosfstools
sbin/fsck.xfs                                           admin/xfsprogs
usr/bin/fsck-larch                                      python/python-larch
usr/bin/fsck.cpm                                        otherosfs/cpmtools
usr/bin/fsck.s3ql                                       misc/s3ql
usr/sbin/fsck.vmfs                                      otherosfs/vmfs-tools

Ignoring those that don't make sense as a root/usr fs at all, I think
we have (possibly?)

btrfs-tools      - calls update-initramfs -u in post{inst,rm} and has an
                   initramfs hook to put things in the right path
e2fsprogs        - does nothing
f2fs-tools (?)   - does nothing
gfs2-utils (?)   - does nothing
jfsutils         - does nothing
ocfs2-tools (?)  - does nothing
reiser4progs     - adds an initramfs hook, but doesn't call update-initramfs
reiserfsprogs    - does nothing
xfsprogs	 - does nothing

About to start looking at bugs and filing if they're not already reported.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
"I've only once written 'SQL is my bitch' in a comment. But that code 
 is in use on a military site..." -- Simon Booth

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