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Bug#787131: debian-installer-launcher: stores the distribution name at build-time ("Debian sid" even in Jessie)


Stephen Kitt <skitt@debian.org> (2015-05-28):
> Package: debian-installer-launcher
> Version: 19
> Severity: minor
> Dear Maintainer,
> I noticed in the LXDE live CD that the icon label and menu entry for
> debian-installer say "Install Debian sid". I suppose that's because
> the .desktop file is processed at build time in unstable, but I don't
> know what the right fix should be...

Since the question was asked on IRC (esp. WRT stable), here's my answer,
slightly massaged:

It should be fixed in unstable first, possibly migrating to testing;
after that (at least the unstable part) a stable update can be

At first glance, I fail to see why that should be set at build time in
the buildd chroots; should probably be stored in the source package, and
bumped when a new debian release is out. This would be done the same way
as in src:debian-installer.


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