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Bug#724931: Re: Bug#724931: Please include the patch in git

El 08/03/14 a las 18:11, Andreas Cadhalpun escribió:
I fixed a few things in my previous patch (see attachments):
 * Fix typo in finish-install.d/10apt-cdrom-setup: cdrom/$j -> cdrom$j
 * Always test for other CDs, except if it is a netinst CD.
   Otherwise one can't use CD-2 together with debian-testing-amd64-kde-CD-1.iso of type full_cd/single. (Maybe I didn't get how this is supposed to work?)
 * Mount further ISOs if at least four parts (seperated by -) of the name are the same. Example:
    a) debian-testing-amd64-CD-1.iso
    b) debian-testing-amd64-kde-CD-1.iso
    c) debian-testing-amd64-CD-2.iso
    d) debian-testing-amd64-CD-2-local-changes.iso
    e) debian-testing-i386-CD-2.iso
  a) and b) would load c) or d), but not e).
 * Fix crash, if the filesystem is not know (e.g. unpartitioned).

Pease add the attached patches on top of current git, even if you don't want to apply the patch now and instead move it to another branch.

Best regards,

Can you please explain why you are using: get_fstype () function which it's based on blkid instead of just using the old method of relying in auto function from the kernel itself?

This is used in both cdrom-detect.patch and mountmedia.patch.

Please, be aware, that I'm not telling you your approach is incorrect. It seems we are lacking the explanation or rationale on why you made that decision in order to evaluate that change in a fair manner.

Thank you very much!

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