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Bug#764587: installation-reports: After successful installation from usb stick the stick is not recognised on reboot.

I have a solution that works well.  For it to be incorporated into stretch a new udeb would be needed, an extra option added to the installation menu, and two simple additions to debian-cd's CONF.sh.

The modifications to CONF.sh
export i386_MKISOFS_OPTS="-as mkisofs -r -checksum_algorithm_iso md5,sha1”
export amd64_MKISOFS_OPTS="-as mkisofs -r -checksum_algorithm_iso md5,sha1”

export i386_MKISOFS_OPTS="-as mkisofs -r -checksum_algorithm_iso md5,sha1 –modification-date=2732101000000000"
export amd64_MKISOFS_OPTS="-as mkisofs -r -checksum_algorithm_iso md5,sha1 --modification-date=2764101000000000"

The modification date of the usb stick is read as the UUID of the stick.
2732 (the supposed year)  indicates a 32bit architecture.
2764 indicates a 64 bit architecture.   The final 00 indicates x86_xx.

The line
UUID=2764-10-10-00-00-00-00 /media/cdrom0   auto    defaults,auto,user,ro,nofail         0    0
is added to fstab

The file
99-mount.rules   is copied to  /etc/udev/rules.d
this file consists of the line
SUBSYSTEM=="block", RUN+="/bin/mount UUID=2764-10-10-00-00-00-00"

The finish-install udeb has been high-jacked and has been modified to implement these additions.
This example uses 64 bit.  2732 would be used for 32 bit.

How this works.
Assuming a machine that has been installed from a 64 bit usb stick.
If a stick with a UUID=2764-10-10-00-00-00-00  is inserted then it will be mounted as an optical disc.  Any other UUID will be ignored.  If a 64 bit stick of a later release (stretch) is inserted then it will be mounted as it will have the 64 bit UUID.

The grub splash-screens are replaced to identify the modified systems.

The jigdos for these sticks (including DVD sized versions) can be found at http://www.copyleft.co.nz/download.html.

I can send a copy of    'finish-install_3.3stick-64_all'    to anyone who is interested.


Philip Charles; 39a Paterson Street, Abbotsford, Dunedin, New Zealand
   +64 3 488 2818        Fax +64 3 488 2875        Mobile 027 663 4453
   philipc@copyleft.co.nz - personal.    info@copyleft.co.nz - business

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