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Bug#712696: tasksel: Task for cinnamon

On 06/09/14 08:56 AM, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> Cinnamon includes a meta package (cinnamon-desktop-environment) that contains
> everything the task should contain.
> I'm attaching a diff that creates the task package with that dependency.  I hope
> this can get applied before the freeze.

I made and tested a similar patch for use in an experimental live image
build, except updating task-desktop to also include the new cinnamon task:

Recommends: task-xfce-desktop | task-gnome-desktop | task-kde-desktop |
task-lxde-desktop | task-cinnamon-desktop, xdg-utils, avahi-daemon,
libnss-mdns, anacron, libgl1-mesa-dri, eject, iw, alsa-utils, alsa-base,

Otherwise, task-desktop cannot be used with recommends turned on (it
ends up installing the first alternative, the xfce task). Our live
desktop images all need task-desktop to install all the desktop
dependencies that aren't specific to any desktop.


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