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Bug#741889: os-prober: The 90fallback script lists the least recent kernels first

Wojciech Górski <wgorski1@gmail.com> (2014-03-17):
> I have no experience with other distros, but the debian based ones
> have a numbering schema allowing alphabetical ordering, not
> accidentally I guess ;) So, this should be safe. If someone plays with
> the numbering - well, aren't they asking for trouble?

How do you think 3.9 vs 3.10 compare?

> Also, grub's behaviour in general is to favor more recent kernels over
> older ones, as any update makes the freshly installed one default, so
> this is what I would expect.

Well, grub does version sorting. See: /etc/grub.d/10_linux, particularly
| while [ "x$list" != "x" ] ; do
|   linux=`version_find_latest $list`
|   …
| done

and version_find_latest's definition in grub-mkconfig_lib which is
sourced at the very beginning.


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