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Bug#734171: Network install does not work with I-217V ethernet controller

Thank you for your detailed explanation of the organization and inner workings of Debian community.

If we are going to discuss the finer nuances of English language, "stable" also means opposite of "broken" [http://thesaurus.com/browse/stable], which is exactly what your latest "stable" network install is on more than six months old hardware.

Pardon me, but you don't have the wits required to offend me -- the only offense I am taking is with hypocrisy, arrogance, and bloated egos in open-source community. Debian maintainers replaced a working ffmpeg with broken libav forcing people to do their own builds and breaking dozens of applications and now you dare preach to me about what "stable" means when it comes to loadable kernel modules?

I already said I am not interested anymore whether this will get fixed after witnessing the attitude. I reported it and you do with it what you want. it's not like there aren't other distros that work which I will be wholeheartedly recommending to others instead of Debian.


On 7.1.2014. 07:37, Christian PERRIER wrote:
Quoting Igor Levicki (igor@levicki.net):

Exactly what is preventing you to add new driver module which
supports both old and new hardware?
What? Easy to understand: you doing the work.

Of course that requires also you to understand how the Debian kernel
team work is organized, how the Debian stable releases are maintained,
what does the "stable" word mean in English and a lot of other things
you apparently fail to really get a picture of, as of now.

That really understandable, no offense intended: we don't really
expect people to immediately understand how a volunteer project with
over one thousand contributors and no commercial organization behind
it, is organized. Just like we don't expect people to teach us lessons
about how we should be working when they don't really know how our
work is organized.

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