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Bug#432309: should check Release signature by default?

forcemerge 432309 610753 515938
severity 432309 important


AFAICS, all these issues (two of them actually reported by myself) are
the same, therefore forcemerging.

It seems that since 1.0.30:
  * Recommend debian-archive-keyring, and if it is installed,
    default to checking gpg signatures of the Release file against it
    when bootstrapping sid, squeeze, wheezy, etch, and lenny.
    Closes: #560038
the Release files (and all other downloaded files - is that true?) are
actually checked per default,... but ONLY of debian-archive-keyring is
installed, right?

I don't think however that this fully closes the issue reported in these
Cause AFAIU, if debian-archive-keyring is not installed, it still
defaults not verify anything... and thereby possibly
installing/executing forged and evil packages.


So I suggest that it should be changed the follwing way,...
that if no --keyring is given,   neither debian-archive-keyring is
installed (and usable)... debootstrap should fail (unless --no-check-gpg
is given).

I don't think this will break a lot, as most systems will probably have
debian-archive-keyring installed.

Anyway it's just a recommends so it might not be the case and one
shouldn't let these systems open to attacks.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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