Tirsdag 22. oktober 2013 13.06.05 skrev Christian PERRIER: > Quoting Thomas Dreibholz (dreibh@iem.uni-due.de): > > Hi, > > > > why has reiserfs support been removed before useful tools to convert > > reiserfs > Because the kernel does not longer provide reiserfs modules? Then, why does the kernel not longer provide reiserfs modules so that partman- reiserfs cannot support reiserfs any more? The kernel (from git.kernel.org) still has reiserfs support, so why is Debian removing support without providing any smooth migration path to the users? Particularly, the support is even removed without providing a better (or at least equal) solution. The only possibilities are to use ext4 (a performance downgrade) or btrfs (replacing a stable file system by an experimental one). -- Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Med vennlig hilsen ======================================================================= Thomas Dreibholz Simula Research Laboratory Simula Innovation AS, Network Systems Group Visiting address: Martin Linges vei 17, 1364 Fornebu, Norway Mailing address: P.O.Box 134, 1325 Lysaker, Norway ----------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: dreibh@simula.no Homepage: http://simula.no/people/dreibh =======================================================================
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