Bug#726538: partman-md: Should rescan for encrypted volumes on top of raid after assembling it
Package: partman-md
Version: 67
Severity: normal
Hi, maintainers,
Want to share a minor inconsistency when using crypto on top of RAID, mostly
related to rescue mode.
First, what works and should be expected, a normal crypto volume, no RAID:
* Rescue mode
* After selecting time zone d-i notices there is an encrypted volume I am
prompted to enter a passphrase for it if I want to have it available for
rescue operations.
That is the expected behavior.
However things work differently when the encrypted volume is on top of a
RAID (RAID1 in this case).
* Rescue mode
* Get the "Device to use as root file system" dialog, known partitions
shown, no RAID is still assembled and of course nothing inside it is
shown, just plain /dev/sd* stuff.
* I choose "Assemble RAID array", tick Automatic and proceed.
* However, although a crypto volume is on top of that RAID, that seems not
detected and I am not prompted for a passphrase to enable it for rescue.
Of course I can open a shell, enable luks volume and the lvm logical
volumes it contains, go back and continue, now with all really available
choices including those inside the crypto volume.
I'd expect the same check that is automaticaly done when the encrypted
volume is not on top of a RAID be run right after assembling the RAID
so the contents of the encrypted volume (single partion or lvm stuff)
become available for the rescue session in a simpler way if the
passphrase is provided.
PS: I put version as 67 since it is what is currently in testing. I actually
carried out the tests with an installation image created out of
debian-testing-i386-CD-1.jigdo 2013-10-14
so the actual version may differ.
Regards, and thanks for all your work.
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