Processed (with 1 errors): your mail
Processing commands for
> reassign 678015 partman-crypto
Bug #678015 [partman-auto-crypto] debian-installer: Guided partitioning took 26 hours to complete erasure of encripted LVM volume
Bug #706438 [partman-auto-crypto] installation-report: Perfect install on Toshiba Satellite C675
Bug reassigned from package 'partman-auto-crypto' to 'partman-crypto'.
Bug reassigned from package 'partman-auto-crypto' to 'partman-crypto'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #678015 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #706438 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #678015 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #706438 to the same values previously set
> reassign 721360 partman-crypto
Bug #721360 [debian-installer] debian-installer: warn that blockdev-wipe can be very slow
Bug reassigned from package 'debian-installer' to 'partman-crypto'.
No longer marked as found in versions debian-installer/20130613.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #721360 to the same values previously set
> severity 721360 normal
Bug #721360 [partman-crypto] debian-installer: warn that blockdev-wipe can be very slow
Severity set to 'normal' from 'wishlist'
> merge 678015 721360 718896
Bug #678015 [partman-crypto] debian-installer: Guided partitioning took 26 hours to complete erasure of encripted LVM volume
Bug #706438 [partman-crypto] installation-report: Perfect install on Toshiba Satellite C675
Unable to merge bugs because:
severity of #718896 is 'important' not 'normal'
package of #718896 is 'mdadm' not 'partman-crypto'
Failed to merge 678015: Did not alter merged bugs
Debbugs::Control::set_merged('transcript', 'GLOB(0x1deecb8)', 'requester', 'Thiemo Nagel <>', 'request_addr', '', 'request_msgid', '<CAOGcq_4E+AF7wft---56xZ7GfhY12cxSwuN2_cz7AtK+xLC23Q@mail.gma...', 'request_subject', ...) called at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/Debbugs/Control/ line 538
eval {...} called at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/Debbugs/Control/ line 537
Debbugs::Control::Service::control_line('line', 'merge 678015 721360 718896', 'clonebugs', 'HASH(0x1d66630)', 'limit', 'HASH(0x1d66018)', 'common_control_options', 'ARRAY(0x1d66060)', 'errors', ...) called at /usr/lib/debbugs/service line 474
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
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