On 05/05/13 12:22, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
On 05/05/13 00:35, Barry Jackson wrote:
os-prober should not be trying to mount a logical partition, can it be
fixed so it does not attempt to?
I think you mean the (msdos) extended partition (often numbered sda2).
Logical partitions are numbered from sda5 and up.
Thanks Steven,
Yes exactly, which is what I would normally have said, however I had
just had a long session on #grub IRC with 'phcoder' who convinced me
otherwise. I now see that we were at cross purposes looking back at the
log - it was late ;)
> The hang does seem rather like a kernel bug though (ext2), in a
> non-Debian kernel:
I agree that this is was a kernel bug, that is now fixed, but as you say
it's not ideal to be trying to mount an extended partition, and it may
throw up other problems in future.
> I agree it is not ideal to try to mount that.
So, is it likely that this will be fixed in os-prober?
I ask since we have an open bug report in Mageia about this and if it is
certain that nothing will be done then it may as well be closed now as
wontfix rather than be left lying around.