Bug#678015: speed improvements
On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 05:05:10PM +0200, Thiemo Nagel wrote:
> This bug has some fixes to blockdev-wipe which should bring it up to speed
> with dd:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=718896
Thanks for the info,
Guess you mean just noticed http://bugs.debian.org/722898, sorry for
missing it before. Benchmarks with your changes look promising.
This makes three tightly related bug reports
* partman-auto-crypto#678015
[Guided partitioning took 26 hours to complete erasure of encripted LVM
Never used guided partitioning, but if there is a cancel button during
wipe some of the proposed warnings may apply.
* debian-installer#721360
[warn that blockdev-wipe can be very slow]
Originally also about guided partitioning.
* partman-crypto#722898
[blockdev-wipe is too slow]
Fixes for speed and message wording are proposed in the bug you
mention. Time to reassign and merge?
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