Bug#678015: debian-installer: Guided partitioning took 26 hours to complete erasure of encripted LVM volume
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 01:00:31PM +0200, Philipp Kern wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 12:40:10PM +0300, Riku Saikkonen wrote:
> > - Does this step write random data or only 0s to the disk? (I think
> > messages #15 and #35 in this bug report show that this is not clear
> > to the users.)
> It writes 0s to the encrypted container which results in random data on disk
> (which is by design).
(sending also to #721360, should probably be merged with this bug report)
Hi, sharing my experiences here,
I recently noticed this slowness when erasing a 300GB volume. Erasing from
debian-installer looked really slow.
I did some tests with a 1GB volume and /dev/urandom, resulting in
~0.5GB/min, that means at least 10 hours expected. Later noticed that zeros
are written to the encripted volume, as pointed out above, but unfortunately
I did not test with debian-installer and the original 1GB test volume and I
no longer have that box for testing, so I do not know the actual times for
debian-installer in that 1GB reference volume.
However, looking at faster ways to do this, I found this reference
claiming to be a faster method when CPU has AES suport. Indeed, with this
method and the script (uptime only used to know the times)
------------ 8< -------------------------------
set -x
cryptsetup luksFormat $1 || exit 1
cryptsetup luksOpen $1 cryptodev || exit 1
cat /proc/uptime
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M of=/dev/mapper/cryptodev
cryptsetup luksClose cryptodev
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=2 of=$1
cat /proc/uptime
------------ 8< -------------------------------
I wrote the 300GB volume in ~1.5 hours, something I find reasonable. Do not
know about the randomness quality, but this method seems to do something
similar to what partman-crypto is doing, although in a way that is aware of
CPU AES support. Note that I did this from a shell inside debian-installer,
with no extra packages installed.
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