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Bug#641172: unable to install on a system with Windows 7 and GPT partition table

Am Sonntag 11.09.2011, 07:21:36 schrieben Sie:
> D-I uses parted (or rather libparted). I don't really see where is
> your problem : you mention that D-I sees the whole disk as free
> space. But is there already something that it should see? From your
> bug report, it's unclear.

I'm having the same problem, as I understand the original report:
I installed Win7 on a GPT drive and tried to install wheezy, which only saw a 
blank hard drive (using both the KDE live disk and the netinstall iso in 
expert mode).
I just went ahead and booted Knoppix to see if I could see a problem. gdisk on 
the hard drive tells me that there are both a valid MBR and GPT.

To reproduce (hopefully), install win7 on a GPT disk (which came with the win8 
computer) and look at the mess it produces...


PS: Since I actually want to use this system, I'm switching to MBR only now, 
so I won't be able to do any more tests on the actual hardware.

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