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Re: Other images (netboot, USB stick, etc.) for beta3


Cyril Brulebois <kibi@debian.org> wrote:
> Yeah, using the “current” symlink means that at least when a new
> debian-installer upload happens, the previous release points to d-i
> images that will (or only might) be the basis for the next release.
> In webwml, images.data has:
> | <define-tag other-images>
> | <images-list url="http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/testing/main/installer-@ARCH@/current/images/"; arch="<strip-arches "<devel-images-arches />" "source" />" />
> | </define-tag>
> If that's easy to do, I'd propose setting a new variable which would
> be holding up the d-i version used for the last release, which we
> would update at each release. Otherwise, hardcoding the date in that
> other-images tag would be an option (even if slightly more awful).
> What do you think?

What's the exact way of identifying the correct date?
Accordingly to the file timestamps on
beta4 images were build on 17. Nov 2012, but on
there is no 20121117, so that would not work automatically I think.
Thus hand-made things would be required (meaning including the correct
dated link in beta-release announcements. Ok, that would be possible).

IMHO it would be the best thing to do, to store the images in question
under the http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/wheezy_di_beta4/ path, isn't it?
Let's say in 


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