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Bug#637613: base: Terminal can't display Korean when the system locale is Korean.

severity 637613 normal


 It's **well known issue** for CJK users (includes me), so I'll downgrade
 severity. People deal with this issue just "export LANG=C", or use fbterm
 or zhcon.

 Maybe kmsconsole will help us in the future but it's not in Debian yet.

Samuel Thibault <sthibault@debian.org> wrote:
> - There are some fbterms (such as bterm) which are able to show such
>   languages, but there is no current plan to integrate them in Debian
>   (and I've usually seen security issue with using them for login).

 Yes. But task-<lang> package can provide such frame buffer terminal package. 
 task-japanese has fbterm and task-korean has zhcon now.

 So, reporter would try zhcon is enough or not.


 Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.or.jp/org

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