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Re: Installing base system and internet connection


ptrk mj <ptrk.mj@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've found a contradiction. It is claimed that netinst iso contains
> the so-called base system. Albeit install manual states that network
> (internet?) connection is necessary during installation of base
> system. How come?
> http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch06s03.html.en#di-install-base
> "Although this stage is the least problematic, it consumes a
> significant fraction of the install because it downloads, verifies and
> unpacks the whole base system. If you have a slow computer or network
> connection, this could take some time."

Strictly spoken, it not mentioned in that paragraph, that a
"network/internet connection is _necessary_", but one can assume that
maybe, since it is talking about "downloading the base system".

Maybe we could change this:

  ..., it consumes a
- significant fraction of the install because it downloads, verifies and
+ significant fraction of the install because it loads, verifies and
  unpacks the whole base system.

"Load the base system" is generic enough to be valid for 
"load from CD" as well as for "load from network/internet".


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