Bug#656939: www.debian.org: install manual section 3.4.1 unknown command MAKEDEV
David Prévot, le Sun 22 Jan 2012 20:21:37 -0400, a écrit :
> Le 22/01/2012 20:03, Markus Hiereth a écrit :
> > Among the three options to make device files two were of no use for my
> > system. MAKEDEV is unknown to me and my old system
> > (openSUSE). Wouldn't it make sense to mention mknod?
That would be tedious to use. But I guess the intent here is not using
the host system MAKEDEV, but the newly-installed MAKEDEV, by chrooting
into it. Perhaps there we just need to mention that MAKEDEV has to be
called from the chroot?
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