Bug#657544: successful install on ZOTAC ZBOXSD-ID12 barebone with Intel SSD 320 Series
Le vendredi 27 janvier 2012 à 11:03, Brian Potkin a écrit:
> On Thu 26 Jan 2012 at 23:03:03 +0100, Lionel Vaux wrote:
> > After completing the install and rebooting, the
> > ethernet adapter works fine without any special firmware file
> > (although I keep getting a line "r8169 0000:01:00.0: eth0:
> > unable to load firmware patch rtl_nic/rtl8168d-1.fw (-2)" in dmesg).
> You want the firmware-realtek package from non-free.
Ok, I installed it just to be sure... and noticed no particular change
(except for the warning in kern.log) since the adaptater worked fine
without it: my point is that I don't get why the installer requires it!
I also have noticed two minor nuisances related with the installer since
my bug report:
(1) The settings of the WLAN adapter used during the install are saved
in /etc/network/interfaces, which prevents network-manager to handle
WLAN is most likely used on mobile devices under a desktop
environment, hence having user provide the info twice would not be
that bad in comparison to forcing every laptop user to edit
/etc/network/interfaces after the install.
(2) All translations of apt sources are downloaded by default.
Actually, I think it is rather a bug of apt (similar to
#641967): when a Translation file is already present for a language,
apt-get always updates it even when this language is not listed in the
Acquire::Languages option.
I guess the installer downloaded all available translation rather
than deriving derive a sane default for Acquire::Languages from the
language selected for the install (say,
{ "environment"; "lng"; "en"; }
where "lng" is the language chosen at the beginning of the install),
which would certainly save some bandwidth.
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