Bug#654574: Daily netinst.iso i386 on EEE PC 4G (701) hangs, expert install works
Package: installation-reports
Boot method: USB (dd if=netinst.iso of=usb)
Image version: http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/cdimage/daily-builds/daily/current/i386/iso-cd/debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso
Date: Wed Jan 4 13:46:11 EET 2012
Machine: ASUS EEE PC 4G 701
Processor: Pentium Celeron 900 Mhz
Memory: 2 Gb
Partitions: none
Output of lspci -knn (or lspci -nn):
Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it
Initial boot: [E]
Detect network card: [ ]
Configure network: [ ]
Detect CD: [ ]
Load installer modules: [ ]
Detect hard drives: [ ]
Partition hard drives: [ ]
Install base system: [ ]
Clock/timezone setup: [ ]
User/password setup: [ ]
Install tasks: [ ]
Install boot loader: [ ]
Overall install: [ ]
Comments/Problems: Default install hangs in Graphical menu screen. Black dots show in first two rows, probably showing kernel/initrd load progress.
Steps to reproduce:
Boot from USB. And press [Enter] for Default install.
When navigate to Advanced/Expert install, it shows menu screen after kernel loading:
Undefined video mode number: 314
Select video mode: 0
After that Expert install works as expected.
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