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Bug#596572: debian-installer: Manual network configuration doesn't allow IPv6 addresses

reassign 596572 netcfg
retitle 596572 Please allow IPv6 addresses in manual configuration.

Quoting Tanu Kaskinen (tanuk@iki.fi):
> Package: debian-installer
> Severity: normal
> Tags: d-i ipv6

Many thanks for your installation report and comments.

> In the graphical installer (I haven't tried the non-graphical version), when
> configuring the network manually, the installer first asks the IP address. The
> instructions say "the IP address is unique to your computer and consists of
> four numbers separated by periods". That sounds like IPv6 addresses aren't
> supported, but I tried entering an IPv6 address anyway.
> The result was an error: "Malformed IP address - The IP address you provided
> is malformed. It should be in the form x.x.x.x where each 'x' is no larger
> than 255. Please try again."
> This obviously isn't very nice if the machine happens to be in an IPv6-only
> environment.

Sure. Patches welcomed..:-)

Please note that I very much doubt this can be enabled for squeeze
now, even if someone proposes a patch.

Reassigning to the relevant D-I component.

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