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Bug#529862: switching from xorg to console and you have to rexec dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

merge 523771 529862

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 11:42:25PM +0200, Javier Barroso wrote:
> Package: console-setup
> Version: 1.36
> Severity: normal
> Every time I go from X to vt a I have to exec dpkg-reconfigure
> console-setup and select the same options.

I believe this is another appearance of #523771.  Please read the first 
question in /usr/share/doc/console-setup/FAQ.gz.  (BTW, you can use 
'setupcon' instead of 'dpkg-reconfigure'.)

I don't thing we can fix this bug, but it will help for statistics if 
you tell us what kind of video-card you are using.  Does your console 
still broke after you reboot the machine?

Anton Zinoviev

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