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Handling spam as it comes in the mailing list (was: ....a spam...)

Quoting guidi.mas@email.it (guidi.mas@email.it):
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
> <!-- saved from url=(0052)http://localhost:1293/ContaktoMailSender/message.htm -->
> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
> <META content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>

As we have a very efficient process now to deal with spam on list
archives, I'd also like to share my own way to deal with all this as
it comes. Nothing fancy and indeed something possible for ages
already...but maybe not as widely known as it should be.

When I identify a spam while I'm reading a Debian mailing list, I use
a mutt macro, that's hooked on a key (ESC-L).

This is done the following way:

macro index \eL "breport-listspam@lists.debian.org\ny\nq" "report as spam to Debian lists"
macro pager \eL "breport-listspam@lists.debian.org\ny\n" "report as spam to Debian lists"

This way, as soon as I come on a spam, I can "report" a spam by
bouncing it to the mail address meant for this. If I properly
understand the spam handling system, if at least 5 people do the same,
then the spam will be added to those needing a review, at the next run
of the weekly script recently added by listmasters.

PS: please note that this macro, as is, will work with a *non
localized* mutt. For instance, if mutt is localised in French (indeed
mine is), the "y" should be replaced by a "o".

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