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Preseeding normal applications from d-i


(please Cc me in the replies, as I'm not subscribed to the list)

I am trying to preseed a normal package in d-i, but I fail.

In the install log (see attached syslog.bz2), at line 426 a udeb runs
debconf-set-selections base.preseed (the preseed file is attached as

Later on, at line 1374, the package nodm gets installed and tries to
read those values, which as you can see from the log, are different from
what was preseeded (sources for nodm.config is attached as
nodm.config.gz and postinst is nodm.postinst.gz).

Once the system in installed and rebooted, debconf-get-selections shows
the values that I did preseed; however it is too late, because nodm's
config and postinst scripts have already been called.

Why don't nodm config/postinst scripts see the values that have been
preseeded earlier?



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico@debian.org>

Attachment: syslog.bz2
Description: Binary data

Attachment: base.preseed.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: nodm.config.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: nodm.postinst.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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