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Bug#513488: version in Lenny needs to be able to bootstrap Squeeze


On Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2009, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
> debootstrap does not yet allow to bootstrap a squeeze chroot, this needs
> to be fixed before Lenny is released as DSA (and other people) need to be
> able to create porter/security/... chroots.

What's wrong with using squeezes debootstrap? I remember having done this in 
the time of woody and potato... 

So I recommnend to downgrade the severity. 

Fixing this bug now gives no guarantee whatsoever anyway, that it will be 
possible to boostrap squeeze with it during all it's development cycle.


P.S.: Im writing this mail offline, apologies if this reply is moot tonite 
when I'll send it.

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