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Package: installation-reports

Boot method: CD
Image version: http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/lenny_di_rc1/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso
Date: 01-28-2009 18h00

Machine: Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo P7935
Processor: Core2Quad Q8200
Memory: 8Gb
Partitions: none

Output of lspci -knn (or lspci -nn): no access to the network ...

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [O]
Detect network card:    [E]
Configure network:      [ ]
Detect CD:              [ ]
Load installer modules: [ ]
Detect hard drives:     [ ]
Partition hard drives:  [ ]
Install base system:    [ ]
Clock/timezone setup:   [ ]
User/password setup:    [ ]
Install tasks:          [ ]
Install boot loader:    [ ]
Overall install:        [ ]


The network card is an Intel 82567LM 3 Gibabit that must use the e1000e driver.

It seems related to this previous report : http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=509199

Is there an easy way to update the iso image with the latest Intel driver ? 
I don't have a second NIC interface to allow me to install it, thus, the only solution is to update the debian installer ;-)

Please update the e1000e driver in lenny !

Didrik Pinte - Gérant/Manager

Dipole Consulting SPRL
E-mail : dpinte@dipole-consulting.com
Tel    : +32 (0)10 77 90 05
Mobile : +32 (0)475 665 668
Fax    : +32 (0)2 791 56 61
Web    : http://www.dipole-consulting.com 

TVA    : BE.0895.560.517

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