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Bug#512838: Debian installer lenny RC

retitle 512838 Do not show xen kernel
reassign 512838 base-installer


è opportuno scrivere il bug report in inglese, cercherò di tradurlo.

mmclab@tiscali.it ha scritto:
> Al 
> riavvio mi si presenta la schermata di GRUB, scelgo il kernel e grub si 
> ferma dandomi il seguente messaggio:
> Error 13: Invalid or unsupported 
> executable format.


User suggests to remove xen kernel in the list of available kernel.
He was under the impression that installing linux-image-2.6-xen-amd64 he would
have gotten a working xen dom0, but he only got a boot failure:
Error 13: Invalid or unsupported
executable format.

He also suggests to add a proper description to all kernel versions.


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