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Re: Release RC1 NOW (was: Bug#503040: debian-installer: Build firmware for the DNS-323)

Quoting Frans Pop (elendil@planet.nl):

> For $deity's sake. Can we please STOP POSTPONING the RC1 release?

I would tell it otherwise but I entirely share Frans' feelings. It's
very hard to point fingers and appearing rude but seeing that D-I RC1
is still and still postponed is really disappointing (even more in my
case where I urge translators, we stopped l10n updates...and nothing
happened except the mass upload).

We will always find bugs in the installer. Given the low manpower we
had during this release cycle, it could even be more buggued than Etch
installer....but we need to release. We're not far from the point
where D-I will be the major blocker for the release of Lenny.

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