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Re: Etch and preseeding LVM custom lv and vg names

On Sunday 13 July 2008 12:17, Frans Pop wrote:
> > So my question is,  is there a partman-auto-lvm version in etch that I
> > can use to allow me to set the names? and if not,  can I build the
> > lenny beta2 d-i, and use an etch pool to install the stable dist?  I
> > would like to have the cd self contained and not need the network.
> The last certainly is possible using debian-cd and in fact is the way we
> will create a special netinst CD for the Etch+1/2 release that is
> overdue. However, doing so yourself is far from trivial I'm afraid.
> It is possible without any adjustment to install Etch using a Lenny beta2
> businesscard CD image. Just boot the installer with 'suite=etch' as extra
> boot parameter. That is however not self-contained but will install the
> target system using a network mirror.

Ok,  so I tried remastering a lenny business card iso.  I created an etch 
repository (from the etch r3-kde cd I've been using),  and using preseeding 
to define the apt repos.

# Additional repositories, local[0-9] available
d-i apt-setup/local0/repository string \
       deb file:/ads/repo/ /
d-i apt-setup/local1/repository string \
       deb file:/ads/etch/ stable main contrib

Where repo is a repo for our developed packages and etch is the standard etch 
release.  My thinking was that specifying the suite,  apt should be able to 
figure out to pull packages from the local etch repo.

But my problem is when I boot the lenny modified image,  I'm getting not a 
This cd contains a CD which cannot be used for installation.

All I did was add a /ads directory with the 2 repos and a preseed file.  Then 
regenerated the md5sums and remastered with 

mkisofs -o /home/ryan/w2/lenny-test.iso -r \
	        -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -D -c isolinux/boot.cat \
        	-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
        	-boot-info-table /home/ryan/lenny

This process has always worked on etch cd remasters I've done.  Unless I 
missed a step somewhere.  Either that or I need to lookup how cd-detect is 


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