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Bug#488238: tasksel: hotkey-setup draggs discover in

[Maximilian Attems]
> hotkey-setup seems not ready for mass consumption,
> it recently added discover to it's dependency.

Can you explain why adding a dependency on discover make it unfit for
mass consumption?

> please remove it from the corresponding tasks.
> Lenny should install fine everywhere and work *without* discover.

Why is it important to avoid discover in Lenny?

The discover dependency was added to hotkey-setup to solve #483200, as
it was judged to be better than adding PCI ids directly in
hotkey-setup to work around the fact that /etc/X11/xorg.conf more and
more often will not include information about the X driver used.

When this is said, there are rumors that the task done by hotkey-setup
now can be handled by hal/dbus instead.  I have not verified that this
is true, but I have seen information under /usr/share/hal/fdi/ that
make me suspect it is correct.  If hal/dbus do a better job of
handling the hotkeys, hotkey-setup should be removed from Debian.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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