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Re: Debian Installer Lenny Beta3 plans

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Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org> writes:

>> Well basically beta2 is "almost there" and I think we could start to
>> work in beta3 features/fixes. However I think beta3 needs to be faster
>> then beta2 was.
> Otavio, what you call "beta3" is the release candidate, IMHO. And it
> should be named "rc1".
> Given the current release schedule and the speed we use to release
> D-I, we only have "room" for one release only (and, indeed, a pretty
> small window). When I say "we", that barely means Frans and you,
> indeed. Both of which having other commitiments and/or priorities
> outside D-I.
> We probably can regret that but that's a fact we have to deal with.
> So, what we should do is starting to freeze the whole thing *now* and
> polish it *now*. This is the only thing that we have time and
> resources for. We can regret it for people who want to add neat new
> features to D-I but it's too late.
> Just take beta2 as example: we wanted to release it "very soon" after
> beta1 and we'll probably release it two *months* after. It means that
> two months is the very minimum release time....for something that
> doesn't change that much (well, the kernel, at least). It then proves
> we can't do any better timing.
> We even have to really hope that no blocking issue will be discovered
> in beta2 and rc1....otherwise, I'm pretty sure that D-I will delay the
> release of lenny.

I mostly agree with you. However the changes for beta3 or rc1 are
small. We had a lot of larger changes in beta2 and that delayed all
the release work.

The main work for beta3/rc1 would be the move to newer kernel but that
shouldn't be hard and we start that now.

The reason why I said that we need to have testing images and all
review done before commiting is to always have the tree releasable and
to avoid messing it up ending delaying the release too much.

I'm really unsure if all the proposed new features will be ready in
time and I do expect we can make a release really soon. My top item in
TODO is to look at kernel-wedge but porters could start this work by
theirself and propose the patches.

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        O T A V I O    S A L V A D O R
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 E-mail: otavio@debian.org      UIN: 5906116
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