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ttf-dejavu: what's next?

Today ttf-dejavu 2.13-1 has been migrated into testing (yay!);
version 2.14 has just been released upstream and I've worked
on packaging the new version.

In the meanwhile Frans, has spotted some problems (see [1]) with the
oblique variant which are being worked on; of those problems, the
extra space between "d" and "u" is the most annoying and IMO it'd be
nice if it could be fixed for the version of dejavu used with etch.

We have a couple of options:

* stick with 2.13 and work on packaging a new version (2.13-2) with a
  backported version of the patch

* move to 2.14 with a backported version of the patch (backported since current 
  developement is towards 2.15)

Either way, the next version will contain fixes for the following bugs:

#406741 (new package description)
#407854 (more ranges stripped out of the udeb)

If you have suggestions while waiting for the patch let me know


[1] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=31509063&forum_id=40874

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