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Re: [D-I] Status of console-setup switch

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[please CC me if replying on d-boot. thanks]

- -=| Anton Zinoviev, 10.08.2007 18:26 |=-
> Where did you chose "Bulgarian Phonetic"?  In console-setup's debconf
> question of in console-cyrillic?  (I suppose both should have asked.)

I am not sure which one it was, but I am sure that was asked only once.

I have to re-test all this and gather more complete log of what exactly

>> After removing console-cyrillic and re-configuring console-setup
>> everything came into place. During the reconfiguration I saw that
>> Bulgarian BDS is selected for the alternate layout, so it appears that
>> this information was not passed by D-I.
> Since there are two completely different keyboard layouts for
> Bulgarian and both are popular (unlike qwerty and dvorak), I made the
> following exception for Bulgarian - the question for the keyboard
> variant is asked with higher priority.  It is normal that Bulgarian
> BDS is selected since d-i has no way to pass this information
> (Bulgarian BDS is not supported in kbd-chooser, nor in console-data).

Uhm. I see there's no such thing as "passes by D-I". I meant the last
phase of the install (before the reboot), where the localization
packages are installed. Perhaps the package in question was
console-cyrillic after all and console-setup's questions were not asked
(due to insufficiently high priority). This is all guessing from my side.

> The question about the Bulgarian keyboard variant is asked with high
> priority.  Maybe I should change it to critical priority?

I support any priority that guarantees that the question gets asked
during the "normal" (as opposed to "expert") install. The layouts are so
different that people that are used to the one of them are completely
helpless when faced with the other.
(Note however, that those are the layouts that are used as alternate to
the latin layout, which stays the same. IOW, we either have latin/BG-BDS
or latin/BG-Phon).

Thank you for your comments so far. I'll get some more tests done and
report back. On a related note, can you recommend any better testbed
than qemu? qemu takes ages (>1h) to do the install and really hogs the
system during that time.
- --
Damyan Ivanov            JabberID: dam@jabber.minus273.org
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