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Bug#417407: Improve safety of os-prober by ignoring active swap and using "blockdev --setro" when available

On Saturday 07 April 2007 16:27, Alex Owen wrote:
> OK here is the patch!

We'll have to check if this approach is the correct way to go about this. 
I'm also not yet convinced that what os-prober did was the main cause of 
the data loss.
However, not touching partitions not involved in the installation seems 
like a reasonable precaution in any case, so we'll certainly consider 
this option.

One comment on the patch. I'd suggest to implement protect_dev as follows:
+protect_dev(){ #$1=partition : stdout=dev_rw_flag
+local dev_rw_flag=0
+if type blockdev >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+	if  [ $(blockdev --getro $1) = 0 ] &&
+	    blockdev --setro $1; then 
+		dev_rw_flag=1
+	fi
+echo $dev_rw_flag

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