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Bug#414455: palo-installer: cannot handle /boot on raid1

Package: palo-installer
Version: 0.0.8

Just to do something different I tried putting the boot partition on 
raid1. That turned out to be a very bad idea as either palo or 
palo-installer did not have a clue how to deal with that.

The syslog showed:
palo version 1.14 kyle@duet Sat Apr  8 16:08:23 EDT 2006
ELF64 executable
Your media does not contain a partition table.  Use 'fdisk' or
a similar utility to create one.  Be certain to create a partition
of type F0 to hold the boot loader, possibly a kernel image, and
possibly a ramdisk image.  5-6Mbytes is probably a good size
Configuring 'palo-installer' failed with error code 2

Obviously I _did_ create a palo partition. the problem was more that 
palo.conf was broken. After manually changing /target/boot to a regular 
partition, editing palo.conf and running palo in a chroot on /target was 
I able to get past this.

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Description: PGP signature

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