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Bug#350375: more information


Hmmm, you told us on Feb 10th that you tried with the daily
images....which at that time were already using a 2.6.15 kernel.

I am sorry I didn't keep the image so I cannot redo it.

It should have worked then. Can you again try with the daily images?

What is sur is that the first kernel I baked from linux-source-2.6.15 this
week-end does not give me a working sk98lin. So it seems theres something
more I missed and supposingly the daily image kernell also missed.

You don't need to complete the install but just check that the sk98lin
driver is properly loaded....

Once I will have something else than the Ubuntu live CD that recognizes this
Marvell gigabit ethernet adapter, I will let you know what and how.

For now on, I am in search of tricks for building a kernell for ASUS P5AD2-E
Premium motherboard. I think I will start by diffing the kernel config file
from Ubuntu live CD with mine. Maybe diffing the daily image config file
with the Ubuntu install CD one will give other informations, I will also do

Really sorry not to be able to help more,


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