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Bug#401396: 20061202 - daily build for sparc32 floppy install

Frans Pop <elendil@planet.nl> wrote:

Sorry for delay. I had to concentrate on other work for a bit.

Not a problem at all.  I know how that goes.  :-)

On Thursday 21 December 2006 03:03, Dan Oglesby wrote:
> Could you file one new installation report for the issue that you need
> to press enter 4 times to get the root floppy loaded so we can keep
> track of that? I think that is now the only issue remaining.

Let's investigate the issue below a bit further in this report, but I'd
still appreciate a new report for the issue above so we can reassign it
properly and don't have to wade through all the history in this one.

I'll open a new bug report for the SS5 machines when I return from vacation (after Jan 3rd).

> The install completes on the SS5-70, but will not successfully boot
> after install. It doesn't appear to load the esp module from the
> initfs, and cannot locate the root filesystem.

OK. Let's start with the basic questions:
- what are the last messages (10-15) on the console?
- do you get dropped into a debug shell on the failure?
- if so, please check:
- if the module is present in the initrd (ls /lib/modules/....)
- if the module is loaded (lsmod)
- if the module is listed in /etc/modules or in
/etc/initramfs-tools/modules or similar
- if the device is recognized at all (dmesg)

I poked around right before leaving vacation, so I can answer some of the questions right now.

The last thing that appears on the console is an error message stating the root filesystem could not be located when the system tries to switch from the initfs image to the / partition on the disk.

The esp module is present in the initfs image, but does not appear to load.  It is listed in /etc/modules in the initfs image as well.

I cannot drop to a debug shell, or even do a "Stop-A" to get to PROM at the point the system locks up.  It is totally unresponsive to keyboard input at the point where the root filesystem fails to mount.  This is with a Sun5c keyboard and a CG6 framebuffer for a console.


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