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Re: Patch to handle touchpads in g-i available

whops, forget the previous patch, that was an old one: the up to date one is attached to this mail.
the iso i prepared was however built using the right patchfile.


--- linux_input.c.orig	2006-11-15 12:23:52.000000000 +0100
+++ linux_input.c	2006-11-21 23:26:36.000000000 +0100
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
 #include <sys/kd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
 #include <linux/keyboard.h>
@@ -283,6 +285,35 @@
+ * Touchpads related stuff
+ */
+#define TOUCHPAD_FSM_MAIN   1
+#define TOUCHPAD_FSM_END    2
+/* expressed in usecs 
+ */
+/* lower touchpad pressure treshold for the mouse cursor to start moving
+ */
+/* motion is reduced in a indirectly proportional way to finger pressure,
+ * this is the unit treshold
+ */
+int x_old = -1, y_old = -1, dx, dy, last_pressure, fire_single_click_flag = 0;
+struct timeval *last_mousetouch;
+int touchpad_state = TOUCHPAD_FSM_START;
+static int
+touchpad_fsm ( struct input_event *levt,
+               DFBInputEvent      *devt );
  * Translates a Linux input keycode into a DirectFB keycode.
 static int
@@ -484,11 +515,11 @@
 key_event( struct input_event *levt,
            DFBInputEvent      *devt )
-     /* map touchscreen and smartpad events to button mouse */
-     if (levt->code == BTN_TOUCH || levt->code == BTN_TOOL_FINGER)
-          levt->code = BTN_MOUSE;
+     /* don't map touchscreen and smartpad events to button mouse */
+//     if (levt->code == BTN_TOUCH || levt->code == BTN_TOOL_FINGER)
+//          levt->code = BTN_MOUSE;
-     if (levt->code >= BTN_MOUSE && levt->code < BTN_JOYSTICK) {
+     if ( (levt->code >= BTN_MOUSE && levt->code < BTN_JOYSTICK) || levt->code == BTN_TOUCH) {
           devt->type   = levt->value ? DIET_BUTTONPRESS : DIET_BUTTONRELEASE;
           /* don't set DIEF_BUTTONS, it will be set by the input core */
           devt->button = DIBI_FIRST + levt->code - BTN_MOUSE;
@@ -579,8 +610,9 @@
-               if (levt->code >= ABS_PRESSURE || levt->code > DIAI_LAST)
-                    return 0;
+// why this ?
+//               if (levt->code >= ABS_PRESSURE || levt->code > DIAI_LAST)
+//                    return 0;
                devt->axis = levt->code;
@@ -669,6 +701,8 @@
      int                readlen;
      struct input_event levt[64];
+     last_mousetouch = malloc ( sizeof(struct timeval));
      while ((readlen = read(data->fd, levt, sizeof(levt)) / sizeof(levt[0])) > 0
             || (readlen < 0 && errno == EINTR))
@@ -681,10 +715,15 @@
           for (i=0; i<readlen; i++) {
                DFBInputEvent devt;
+//printf("levt->type = %d, levt->code = %d, levt->value = %d\n", levt[i].type, levt[i].code, levt->value );
                if (!translate_event( &levt[i], &devt ))
+               if ( (devt.type == DIET_AXISMOTION && (devt.flags & DIEF_AXISABS)) || levt[i].code == BTN_TOUCH || ( levt[i].type == EV_ABS && levt[i].code == ABS_PRESSURE ) ) {
+                    if (touchpad_fsm ( &levt[i], &devt ) == 0)
+                         continue;
+               }
                if (devt.type == DIET_AXISMOTION && (devt.flags & DIEF_AXISREL)) {
                     switch (devt.axis) {
                          case DIAI_X:
@@ -700,7 +739,7 @@
-               flush_xy( data );
+//               flush_xy( data );
                dfb_input_dispatch( data->device, &devt );
@@ -1082,3 +1121,104 @@
      /* free private data */
      D_FREE( data );
+ * This FSM takes into accout finger landing on touchpad and leaving and
+ * translates absolute DFBInputEvent into a relative one
+ */
+static int
+touchpad_fsm ( struct input_event *levt,
+               DFBInputEvent      *devt )
+     int ret_val;
+     if ( levt->type == EV_ABS && levt->code == ABS_PRESSURE ) {
+         last_pressure = levt->value;
+         return 0;
+     }
+     switch (touchpad_state) {
+          case TOUCHPAD_FSM_START:
+               /* finger is landing */
+               if ((levt->type == EV_KEY && levt->code == BTN_TOUCH && levt->value == 1) || (last_pressure > TOUCHPAD_START_MOTION_PRESSURE_TRESHOLD)) {
+                    last_mousetouch->tv_sec = (levt->time).tv_sec;
+                    last_mousetouch->tv_usec = (levt->time).tv_usec;
+                    if (last_pressure > TOUCHPAD_START_MOTION_PRESSURE_TRESHOLD)
+                         touchpad_state = TOUCHPAD_FSM_MAIN;
+               }
+               ret_val = 0;
+               break;
+          case TOUCHPAD_FSM_MAIN:
+               /* translating mouse movements into relative coordinates */
+               if (levt->type == EV_ABS && (levt->code == ABS_X || levt->code == ABS_Y)) {
+                    switch (devt->axis) {
+                         case DIAI_X:
+                              if (x_old == -1)
+                                   x_old = devt->axisabs;
+                              dx = (devt->axisabs - x_old ) / TOUCHPAD_SCALING_FACTOR;
+                              dx = dx * (last_pressure/ TOUCHPAD_SCALING_FACTOR_PRESSURE);
+                              x_old = devt->axisabs;
+                              devt->axisrel = dx;
+                              devt->flags = devt->flags |= DIEF_AXISABS;
+                              devt->flags = devt->flags |= DIEF_AXISREL;
+                              ret_val = 1;
+                              break;
+                         case DIAI_Y:
+                              if (y_old == -1)
+                                   y_old = devt->axisabs;
+                              dy = (devt->axisabs - y_old ) / TOUCHPAD_SCALING_FACTOR;
+                              dy = dy * (last_pressure/ TOUCHPAD_SCALING_FACTOR_PRESSURE);
+                              y_old = devt->axisabs;
+                              devt->axisrel = dy;
+                              devt->flags = devt->flags |= DIEF_AXISABS;
+                              devt->flags = devt->flags |= DIEF_AXISREL;
+                              ret_val = 1;
+                              break;
+                         default:
+                              ret_val = 0;
+                              break;
+                    }
+               }
+               /* finger is leaving */
+               else if (levt->type == EV_KEY && levt->code == BTN_TOUCH && levt->value == 0) {
+                    if ( ((levt->time).tv_sec * 1000000 + (levt->time).tv_usec) -\
+                         (last_mousetouch->tv_sec * 1000000 + last_mousetouch->tv_usec)\
+                         <= TOUCHPAD_SINGLE_CLICK_TIMEOUT) {
+                         devt->type = DIET_BUTTONPRESS;
+                         devt->button = DIBI_FIRST;
+                         fire_single_click_flag = 1;
+                         ret_val = 1;
+                    }
+                    else
+                         ret_val = 0;
+                    touchpad_state = TOUCHPAD_FSM_END;
+               }
+               else
+                    ret_val = 0;
+          break;
+          case TOUCHPAD_FSM_END:
+               x_old = y_old = last_pressure = -1;
+               touchpad_state = TOUCHPAD_FSM_START;
+               if (fire_single_click_flag == 1) {
+                    fire_single_click_flag = 0;
+                    devt->type = DIET_BUTTONRELEASE;
+                    devt->button = DIBI_FIRST;
+                    ret_val = 1;
+               }
+               else
+                    ret_val = 0;
+               break;
+          default:
+               ret_val = 0;
+               break;
+     }
+     return ret_val;

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