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Re: SVN installation problem

Quoting Tahir Abdul Rauf Butt (linux_kernel_worm@yahoo.com):
> hi,
>   As you might know that we are working to translate Debian-installer in urdu for DEBIAN UBUNTU 5.10 (Breezy).

I'm afraid that there is no such thing as Debian Ubuntu..:-)

What I of course suspect is that you plan to work on the translation
of the Ubuntu installer...which happens to be the Debian Installer.

Therefore, as I wrote you, getting through the formalized New Language
Process is a pre-requirement. This process is exactly designed to sort
out all issues you might have to be able to do some productive work.

The Debian Installer team welcomes new l10n teams, without
restriction. However, we request them to go through this process.

I already pointed you to the appropriate documentation in
debian-l10n-arabic, IIRC.

BTW, have you considered working from the Hindi translations, get
through an automated process and then correct the result of it? From
my understanding of relations betwee the Hindi and Urdu languages,
that could be a great way to have some fast progress.

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