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Bug#364638: Invalid characters in short user name need reboot

Severity: important
Package: installation-reports

Boot method: CD-image in VMware
Image version: http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/daily/arch-latest/i386/iso-cd/debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso
'built on 20060409'
Download date: 20060420
Date: 20060424

Machine: VMware Workstation 5.5.1 under Debian/unstable

Test sequence:
- boot without parameters (=default)
- language: German
- keymap: German
- etc.
- at the prompt for the user account name type in a non-ASCII character like 'ä' LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIARESIS into the edit field

Expected behaviour:

1) it is not possible to enter invalid characters


2) let the user correct the string after an error message

Actual behaviour:

- The edit field displays the string '<E4>' instead of 'ä',
- the yellow background signalling the cursor position hangs on the '<'
  of '<E4>',
- <BACKSPACE> or <DEL> is not working,
- after an error message and managing going back to the question,
  the field again is initialized with the defect string
-> no chance for correction, reboot needed
Characters not working are: ß°§üÜöäÖĵ
All other invalid characters (outside [a-z][a-z0-9]+) of the German keyboard do not damage the field editor.

In case of other strings, e.g. hostname, it is possible to go to the main installer menu, retry, and a nice and sane edit field is displayed.

BTW: g-i has better handling in the same situation.

PS: maybe you want raise the severity higher.

Helmut Wollmersdorfer

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