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Bug#359336: gtk+2.0-directfb: GMemChunk deprecated and disabled.


Luckily, GTK+ 2.10 release is behind the corner (is scheduled for may [1]) and will include the now integrated and well-maintained DFB backend, so we have to hold on tight for some times still. Leaving behind the old ( and good :) GTKDFB 2.0.9 will be a great step ahead but to switch to a GTK+ 2.10 based GTK installer we'll need to wait for the next major release of libraries (mainly DFB and Cairo), currently in CVS. I hope i'll be able to post a detailed report about the status of the system libraries the g-i relies upon tomorrow, before the next d-i meeting.

[1] http://www.gtk.org/plan/2.10/


Attilio fiandrotti

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